
A few rules to be observed by the client.

a) the transport of cargo or other objects other than people the rules are:

1. The customer handed over documents related merchandise. ex. dispatch note, invoice, waybill, schedule.
2. parcels are well packed, preferably adhesive foil or string data.
3. for glass object use wood or cardboard boxes. Fill with polystyrene or paper.

b) if the carriage is people will observe the following:
         in car...
1. smoking it forbidden
2. no alcohol
3. do not use vulgar words
4. will respect the rules of the road traffic regulations. Ex. persons occupying spots design with safety belts must be worn while on the road. where the above are not complied with transport will be stopped and the customers will get back half the amount of transport.

Carrier responsibility

1. Client confidentiality
2. Do not disclose information about the transport of other persons not involved in the transport.
3. Reliability, Punctuality, Professionalism.